Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Week 4

ITED 521: Last week, we had a week off from coming to class, but that didn't keep me from forgetting and coming anyway. =/

Most of what we're doing is pretty easy to me, but it just takes a lot of time to complete the assignments. My time management skills (or lack thereof) are definitely being tested.

Speaking of time, I've put a considerable amount of it into how I want to redesign my e-portfolio. A part of me wants to go all out and make the major parts of it database driven, but at the same time I'm afraid that I won't have enough time to feasibly do this without suffering in other classes or on other assignments. At least I'm only worrying about changing the professional development section, as I am happy with the overall layout and navigation that I constructed in our previous course.

Today, we've talked some more about our studio time and how we're going to carry it out. Basically, during our scheduled week, we're supposed to schedule a meeting with the studio guy. Also during that week, we're supposed to complete about 10 minutes of video footage and about 5 minutes of audio. Each of these is free to be on whatever topic we want. My current ideas are: funny commercial, fake news report, or a computer hardware review. For my final instructional video, I'm thinking of showing how to build a new computer. Of course, this is just a thought and I'm not even sure if the topic will fit the assignment.

After we talked about the studio time, Dr. Bosede showed us what our WebCT tests will look like. I was worried all day that our test would be in class today, but thankfully it's going to be online later. =D

Finally, we talked about chapter 3 and chapter 4 stuff.

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